Now entering its 34th year, PAEMS是一个为期两周的数学和科学住宿项目,面向高二学生, 初级, or senior years of high school. 在赌博导航所有网站大全美丽的赌博导航所有网站大全学院举行, KY, 参与者在与赌博导航所有网站大全的教师一起探索数学和科学的高级主题时,可以预览大学生活.



2024 PAEMS Camp

June 16 - June 28, 2024



•多样化的课程包括天文学模块, 生物学, 化学, Environmental Science and Ecology, and Mathematics, Statistics and Computing.

•课堂和实验室的经验,辅以实地考察科学相关的目的地,如辛辛那提动物园和植物园, 肯塔基大学麦克亚当学生天文台, and a full-service equine hospital. 远足、野餐和其他活动也包括在内.*

• 学费 is $800 for the 13-day program. 这包括大部分餐食和在有空调的宿舍住宿. Some need-based grants are available.

• PAEMS Students may receive a $10,他们在赌博导航所有网站大全大学四年获得了一万奖学金, 如果符合条件. 获得特殊奖学金的学生可能没有资格获得额外的机构资助.


Interested in this incredible experience? 点击 在这里 应用.


点击 在这里 for the official 2024 Informational flier!


For more information contact:

Dr. Tracy Livingston

[email protected] | 502.863.7978


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Limited Enrollment



多样化的课程包括天文学模块, 生物学, 化学, Environmental Science and Ecology, and Mathematics, Statistics and Computing.


该项目旨在挑战学生的学业, 激发他们对数学和科学的兴趣, provide a global perspective, foster creativity, 并提倡解决问题的团队理念.


学费 is $800 for the 13-day program. 这包括大部分餐食和在有空调的校园宿舍的住宿. Some need-based grants are available.

PAEMS Information


在课堂上,在实验室里,在野外环境中,学生将会工作 side-by- side with Georgetown College faculty. 在吃饭时, 在休息, during field trips, and through supplemental activities, they will form close, 积极的, 以及与教授和工作人员的相互支持关系, as well as their peers, to enhance their campus life experience.

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